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A somewhat opinionated aggregation of whatever of an infinite numbers of issues come to mind...

On the nuts and bolts of politics, I vent here and here.

And I post random (but oh, so profound!) thoughts here.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The meltdown of the Leninist Right: You Are There

Lou Dobbs was finally called on some of the urban legends he uses in his commentary and has his obligatory tantrum:

The country is going through a period that just might return it to sanity.  That does, however present a threat to the Leninist Right currently masquerading as conservatives within the Republican Party.

So they do what Leninists always do when under threat: They demagogue the issue, with no respect for the facts.

Murdoch's game plan is out of the Communist Party playbook, circa 1933.

It's going to be an interesting couple of years...