It’s surprising to see how much of the press has just whiffed on a big story on Pfizer’s decision to close its New London, Connecticut, R&D headquarters. This one went right down the plate with the wind blowing out to left field—and most everybody can’t be bothered to swing.
Remember New London? You probably ought to, and journalists certainly should. It was the defendant in the infamous Kelo v. New London case where the Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that the government could take private property and give it to another private interest.The Review notes the media crickets chirping (including the local Connecticut media) for four days, exclusive of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page, and asks:
What took so long and why have other papers been missing on this? Are our institutional memories that short? Are we staffed that thin? Are we that disconnected from our readers?Yes.
Postscript: The Boston Globe published an editorial on the subject five days after the event and one day after the original post of the CJR article.