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A somewhat opinionated aggregation of whatever of an infinite numbers of issues come to mind...

On the nuts and bolts of politics, I vent here and here.

And I post random (but oh, so profound!) thoughts here.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Great Realignment (Health Care)

There is a big stink among pro-choice activists that the Stupac amendment to the health care plan (which forbids any federally augmented insurance paying for abortions) was included in the version that passed the House.

The problem is that anti-abortion Democrats were the margin of victory, as was stated by House Whip James Clyburn:

What I suspect is happening is the beginning of a realignment, under Obama, where the Democrats become the party of both liberalism and conservatism.  If I'm correct, there is gonna be a lot of screaming from "progressives" and Right-Leninists alike.